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CaringSG 2023 Highlights and Memories

CaringSG 2023 Highlights and Memories

CaringSG 2023 Lookback 1
CaringSG 2023 Lookback 2

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Choose to Seek and Celebrate the Good – By Rachel Fong

Choose to Seek and Celebrate the Good
By Rachel Fong

A precious meal – a tray of toy food – prepared by the author's children for her

“My child has made me a better person.”

This seemed like a simple line yet it spoke so much. When I heard this from a caregiver of a child with special needs, I was touched, inspired, and grateful.

We serve our dependents everyday, pouring our time, effort, care and love into their lives to support them and make them better. How precious and humbling it is, to see it from a different perspective, that our dependents have made us better, just by their presence in our lives and our journey with them.

Every day may not be good, but there is good in every day. In tough seasons of caregiving when we are struggling and exhausted, the mindset of gratitude and appreciation can make a difference in our personal wellness and relationships.

I can choose to remember the meltdowns, the mess, the mistakes, the cries and screams, the demands and chaos, or I can choose to remember the tray of toy food that my young children prepared and served up to me with big smiles, just as I finished whipping up a quick meal for them in the midst of a million other things I had to do.

Thank you caregivers for your resilience, for always choosing to seek and celebrate the good in the midst of everyday challenges.

– Rachel Fong, Program & research executive (CAREbuddy & CAREwell), and caregiver of two children

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“We are not alone” – One family’s experience with the CAREwell Community Support Programme

“We are not alone” – One family’s experience with the CAREwell Community Support Programme

The Teys (from left): Rachel (7 years old), Mrs Tey, Mr Tey, and Ryan (13 years old)

This article was contributed by the Teys and the CaringSG CAREwell team.

The Teys

When our CaringSG CAREwell Keyworker, Lee Xiuhua, first met the Teys at their home, they were overwhelmed with their son’s, Ryan’s, behaviour and worried about his future.

“Ryan was climbing all over his mum, he tried to burn food with a lighter, he drank water from my water bottle and kept trying to snatch my pen, among other behaviours. I could see that Mrs Tey was at a loss as to how to manage his behaviour,” says Xiuhua.

Mrs Tey was a foreigner at that time. Not only did she feel isolated in Singapore, she also did not feel confident enough to navigate the healthcare system nor engage with Ryan’s teachers confidently. Ryan, 13, has autism, and was attending Grace Orchard School (GOS) but Mrs Tey was unsure as to how much she could lean on the school for professional support and how to gain access to it.

At that time, Mr and Mrs Tey were also in a dilemma as to what to do for the future. Should they live in Vietnam or Singapore? Ryan appeared to fare better in Vietnam but Mr Tey worked here in Singapore. The Teys also preferred their younger daughter, who is seven years old, to be educated here.

Mr and Mrs Tey’s relationship was also a little strained as Mr Tey as the sole breadwinner, was stressed about the high cost of hiring private psychological support for his son, and Mrs Tey felt that she was unable to manage Ryan who was growing bigger and stronger every day, especially when he became aggressive and hit back at her.

By Caregivers, For Caregivers

As a caregiver herself, Xiuhua was able to deeply connect with the Teys and understand their struggles. They felt that they were not alone in their journey of caregiving.

One particular concern shared was Ryan’s persistent negative texting to Mr Tey. Ryan expressed he is a bad student and always disappointed his teachers or parents. Xiuhua explored Ryan’s texting habit and checked with GOS’s psychologist to find out what the underlying reasons could be.

After some discussion, it was related to Ryan’s developing self-awareness that he had let down his teachers or parents when he was unable to meet their expectations. Ryan would ruminate on the negative aspects of his behaviours and wander around the neighbourhood roads alone which posed a safety concern. This was Ryan’s way of indirectly seeking his father’s approval, affirmation, and unconditional love.

With this in mind, Mr Tey was more aware of Ryan’s emotional needs and connected with him by replying to his texts with words of affirmation and love. This has helped reduce Ryan’s negative texting, habit of wandering the streets, and improved their father-son bond tremendously.

“(We) often find it comforting to share our journey with someone who understands how tough caregiving can get…the support getting from CAREwell help the parents especially cope with our emotions and experiences and show us that we are not alone.” – Mr Tey, father of 13-year-old Ryan

Professional Care and Guidance

After doing a thorough needs analysis, Xiuhua was able to better understand the Teys’ daily struggles, existing strengths, and dreams for the future. She then guided the couple to develop a few key functional goals which they could immediately work on together.

1. Expanding and deepening the Teys’ ecological system of support

A top priority was to get Ryan’s behaviour under control at home. To this end, Xiuhua worked quickly to put the appropriate services in place, expanding and deepening the Teys ecological support system.

For instance, she guided them on how they could obtain a subsidized psychiatrist’s appointment to assess Ryan for his impulsive and aggressive behaviour. She also connected the Teys to several parent support groups and shared online resources with them to improve their mental and emotional well-being.

2. Empowering Caregivers to optimise available community resources

A monumental shift, however, would take place at multiple levels when a joint home visit was made with Grace Orchard School whose team consisted of a Psychologist, Social Worker, and Ryan’s Form Teacher.

Firstly, with Xiuhua’s encouragement and support, Mrs Tey felt empowered to share candidly about Ryan’s behaviour at home which was greatly at odds with how he was behaving in school. This was a big step for Mrs Tey who previously felt self-conscious of her English language proficiency and lacked the confidence to engage closely with school professionals.

Secondly, the team from GOS listened carefully and shared behavioural management strategies with the Teys that were tailored to Ryan’s needs. Both Mr and Mrs Tey felt heard and well supported emotionally and professionally during this joint visit. Empowering the Teys and facilitating the joint home visit enabled the optimization of resources that were previously available but untapped on.

Thirdly, following the joint visit, the Teys felt confident enough to implement some of these strategies at home. For example, in the past, Mr Tey would pamper Ryan and give in to his demands, but this made things hard for Mrs Tey who could not then enforce boundaries with a growing teenager who could easily overpower her. Nowadays, Mr and Mrs Tey agree on and enforce boundaries as a team. “This way, Ryan knows that he can’t outplay his parents,” Xiuhua explains.

Today, the family is happier and feels equipped with the appropriate strategies and support in place. That has made a lot of difference to the family environment at home and Mrs Tey no longer fears for her safety nor is overwhelmed by Ryan’s care. In fact, she is so inspired by the service she has received that she shared that she would like to train to become an EIPIC special needs teacher in the future!

“Everyone gets knocked down sometimes; only people like you (Xiuhua) get us back up again and keep going. Absolutely excellent in all ways. The care was exemplary. My family really appreciated the support and assistance given to my son, your kind and caring always very helpful to parents who seem to go the extra mile for their children in need. Everything would be better if more people were like you. A big thank you to all the staff of CAREwell team. [sic]” – Mr Tey on the support his family received from our Keyworker, Xiuhua.

From left: Caregiver Mrs Tey Phan Thu and CaringSG CAREwell Keyworker Lee Xiuhua

Xiuhua’s reflection

It has been an honour and privilege to journey with the Tey family as their assigned keyworker. Getting to know both Mr and Mrs Tey and hear their story shared so openly, encouraged me to draw out the resilience I saw in them and give them the encouragement they needed to continue their caregiving journey.

Their humble self-reflections, concern and love for Ryan was evident at each touch point and interaction. The Teys committed to the 6 touch points as planned and agreed goals could be worked on in a timely and efficient manner. I enjoyed witnessing the beautiful bond they had with Ryan and am also inspired in return by how they have grown closer during the past 6 months.

Working with families often require trust and open communication which was evident while working with the Teys and for that, I am thankful they put their trust in me to journey with them in the CAREwell Community Support programme.

I was also encouraged by Ryan’s SPED school (GOS) for the open collaboration to hold the joint home visit. Having a conducive and caring special needs school environment did help Ryan develop well and address the parents’ concern promptly. I would like to acknowledge the hard work and professionalism of GOS team. Kudos to all professionals working tirelessly in the special education sector!

What is the CAREwell Community Support Programme?

The CAREwell Community Support (CWCS) Programme is a six-month programme consisting of at least six touch points. Each family is supported by a Keyworker who is typically a trained professional in social work, healthcare, special needs, or other related professions.

Keyworkers support families by providing transdisciplinary and multi-layered services which may include but are not limited to therapeutic and informational counselling, family support plan development and service coordination, navigation, and integration of cross sectoral services.

Applicants to CWCS are screened for suitability before being enrolled into the programme. For more information, please visit

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CaringSG Volunteer Appreciation Day 2023

CaringSG Volunteer Appreciation Day 2023

CaringSG held our first Volunteer Appreciation Day on 27 May 2023, Saturday, at the National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre.

We welcomed 50 volunteers across various CaringSG Project 3i programmes to meet up and mingle with one another over lunch and games. 

After the Opening Address by Board Co-Chair Dr David Ang, volunteers enjoyed mini games which tested how well they knew each other, with lots of laughter and fun, and smiles all around.

Some volunteers and CaringSG staff who have not had the chance to meet in person, could finally meet face to face and bond over food and games. Others caught up with fellow volunteers they had not seen face to face for a long while and had a good long chat.

To show our gratitude for our volunteers’ contributions, we prepared appreciation videos showcasing their efforts and impact on caregivers and the community.

CaringSG Board Chair Dr Lim Hong Huay also gave a speech to thank volunteers, and she presented certificates and tokens of appreciation to our various groups of volunteers at CaringSG’s Volunteer Award & Appreciation Ceremony. 

We are immensely grateful to have the support of all our volunteers, and deeply cherish our time with you in our collective efforts to support special needs caregivers and their families.

Scroll down to see photos of our Volunteer Appreciation Day!

We welcome volunteers to sign up with us at


Opening Address by CaringSG Board Co-Chair Dr David Ang
Volunteer games underway with lots of laughter and smiles
Volunteer Appreciation Speech by CaringSG Board Co-Chair Dr Lim Hong Huay
CAREambassadors: volunteers at CaringSG events
CAREkakis: trained grassroot leaders
CAREchampions: caregiver volunteers at CAREconnect events
CAREwell: professional volunteers
CAREbuddy: trained caregivers who provide other caregivers with support and listening ear
icare! gala dinner volunteer

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Celebrating Courage, Persistence And Love – By CAREwell Volunteer Dr Tang Hui Kheng

Celebrating Courage, Persistence and Love – By CAREwell Volunteer Dr Tang Hui Kheng

This message was contributed by CAREwell volunteer Dr Tang Hui Kheng. 


Dear CaringSG members, 

If we focus only on the black, we may miss out on the possibilities of other colors. 

Journey with fellow caregivers allow us to catch a glimpse of how different colors can be used to form a beautiful picture, often in unexpected ways. 

In the process, also finding out the colors we already have, mixing colors to create new ones. 

And together, all forming a collage of masterpiece celebrating courage, persistence and love.

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Meet Our CAREwell Community Support (CWCS) Programme Staff!

Meet Our CAREwell Community Support (CWCS) Programme Staff!

Pictured (from left): Reynard (CAREwell Triage Coordinator), Shari (CAREwell Keyworker), Xiuhua (CAREwell Keyworker)

This article was written by Shari Tan. 

CAREwell is the professional arm in CaringSG that supports our work with Caregivers. Today, we put faces to this program and hope to answer some of your burning questions!

First up, we have Reynard. He is our Triage Coordinator who is a trained Social Worker. If you are referred to CWCS, you would most likely hear from him first!

Reynard, tell us a little about what you do?

I am usually the first point of contact for the caregivers that are referred to us. The caregivers are generally very forthcoming when I get in touch with them. They will share quite freely.

Sometimes as they share about their family situation, they will feel sad and down so in that moment, my role is really just to listen to them, empathise and try to accurately capture what their needs are at that point in time because often, there would be different competing needs at the same time. I will try to crystallise what these needs are and to prioritize them.

Could you share a memorable experience with us?

One of my memorable experiences was when this caregiver – after she shared about what she was going through – shared that she felt much lighter at the end of a call. She specifically said that she felt 20% lighter! I have never had anyone give an accurate value to how they felt and her response just stuck with me. She felt good to be listened to and commented that it had been quite a while that someone had actually listened to her.

Next up, we have Shari, one of our two Keyworkers in CWCS! Shari’s background is in Speech and Language Therapy and Psychotherapy.

Shari, could you share about what you do and some of the challenges you face as a Keyworker?

Our caregivers are often highly resourceful and may have access to many services and be connected to multiple professionals. However, often these services are uncoordinated and unintegrated resulting in caregivers feeling drained not only emotionally but also financially, and yet unable to see the outcomes they want for their children.

We come in as keyworkers to assess the needs of the Caregiver in relation to the dependent’s and family’s needs and journey alongside with them to meet their personal and family goals. We prioritize the caregiver as we realise that they are the lynchpin in the whole family unit and their well-being is absolutely critical.

One of the challenges is that most caregivers tend to prioritize others in the family. The focus is usually on their child with special needs.  As parents, we naturally want the best for our children and we will pull out all stops for them but often, we neglect ourselves and our spouses.

As keyworkers, we thus try and redirect caregivers back to themselves while crafting out a customised family support plan that integrates social services, healthcare and family life. While this model of care is well established overseas, it is still relatively unknown here in Singapore. This poses a challenge to our work too. We hope in time that the role of keyworkers and caregiver well-being would be better understood and supported.

Last but not least, we have Xiuhua whose professional background is in Nursing.

Xiuhua, could you share with us what you find fulfilling about your role as a Keyworker?

I feel fulfilled that we are able to empower caregivers to advocate for their child’s needs. For example, I had one caregiver who was totally lost as to what to do after her child graduated from special school.

At that time, she was running between polyclinics, different hospitals and struggling to bring her child to all of these appointments which she was recommended to go for. She was exhausted mentally and physically but yet unable to access the right services that would meet her and her child’s needs.

I got to know her, understood her needs and helped to connect her with SG Enable. I modelled to her how she might share her needs with SG enable and other service providers and provided lots of encouragement to her. At some point, she gained enough confidence to take over and begun advocating for her child more effectively! Being able to witness her transformation and being a part of her journey was extremely fulfilling!

As is evident in the sharing above, a caregiver’s challenges are multifaceted and often, a lonely and confusing journey. Navigating the social and healthcare system is complex and what we seek to do in our team is to provide the necessary emotional support and service ordination to our caregivers.

It is truly rewarding when we see our caregivers transforming from struggling and overwhelmed to being empowered and resilient in their caregiving journey. To see a whole family uplifted and thriving is what keeps us going!

About CAREwell

CaringSG’s multidisciplinary team of CAREwell professional staff and volunteers are poised to support caregivers in navigating the complex services to better access care and services via our CAREwell Community Support (CWCS) Programme.

Learn more about CAREwell here.

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CaringSG is now an IPC

CaringSG is now an IPC
(Institution of a Public Character)

Dear friends, CaringSG is now an IPC (Institution of a Public Character).

Any donation over $100 will stand to receive 250% tax deductions.

Your generous support will go a long way in funding our programmes (CAREconnect, CAREbuddy, CAREwell) to support Caregivers of Persons with Disabilities.

Donate today at

To be updated on CaringSG’s latest events and join your preferred caregiver support groups in our CaringSG Alliance Network (CAN), sign up as a CaringSG member and let us know your preference!

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手牵手, 向前走 Moving Forward Together – By Mr Edward Chan

手牵手, 向前走 Moving Forward Together – By Mr Edward Chan

Mr Edward Chan, (pictured above, forefront) is CaringSG’s Head of Corporate Services and a caregiver of two children with ASD.

This letter to CaringSG members was originally written in Mandarin. We have included the English translation below as well.

2022年刚过,2023年此时已经在高速前进. 回想过去两年所完成的工作,实在太不可思议了.

二〇二〇年十月, 一群特殊看护者在林方辉医生带领下成立了CaringSG (关护之心). 二〇二一年六月, CaringSG 获得了政府认证为慈善机构, 从而可以向公众认捐. 之前CaringSG 的 运营资金全靠种子资助者(seed funders)来支撑. 除此之外, CaringSG也开始了义工训练(CAREbuddy 与CAREkaki)为接下来工作与服务做准备。

在林医生的不屈不挠的努力下, CaringSG 的三个主要看护者服务, CAREconnect, CAREbuddy 和 CAREwell, 终于找到了资助机构. 有了资金, 每个服务的运做也开始加速, 也开始有新的成员加入了工作团队.

CAREconnect 在二〇二二年一月也开始在文礼区每月与基层人员为当地的特殊家庭与看护者主办活动. CAREconnect的目标是联系当地的特殊看护者, 一起来参加CAREconnect的活动, 让大家彼此认识而建立起互助网络. 同时也让看护者认识基层人员以便以后如需要帮助, 不至于茫然无措.

同年六年, 又添加了甘榜格南区. 主办这些活动并非易事, 期间又因为疫情加剧, 主办团队要确保大家遵守防疫条例,尤其有孩子参与的活动要加强消毒措施. 又因为看护者与其特殊孩子年纪大, 不便来参加活动, 团队就上门拜访. 面对许许多多的挑战, 感恩团队不言败的精神, 把这些困难一一克服了.

踏入二〇二三年, CAREconnect 又添加了直落布兰雅与南洋区. 义工训练正在进行中, 也与当地的基层正在筹备接下来的活动.

如果我说工作没压力, 那肯定是骗人的. 在无数崩溃想放弃的夜晚,一觉睡醒, 又在重生.这种前所未有的自愈能力, 是大家的鼓励与支持给我的力量.

我要感谢林方辉医生, Dr David Ang 与CaringSG Board of Directors 对我的信任, 让我全心全意的投入这份工作.

还有与我一起冲锋的CAREconnect 队友, Jeffrey, Elysia, Chris, Diana, Julia, Xin Ying, Ann Toh, Pei Cheng, Esther, Wendy, Rae, Lilian 以及CaringSG 大家庭; 文礼与甘榜格南的基层领袖们Corrine, Shanthi, Ronnie, Hong Kian, Jeanine 等等. 还有基层顾问Minister Desmond Lee 和Mayor Denise Phua.

感谢你们这一路来的鼓励与支持, 我才有信心与勇气走下去. 二〇二三, 展望CaringSG 再上一层楼, 继续为特殊看护者服务.

Even though 2022 has just passed, the pace for 2023 has already picked up quickly. It is amazing to look back on the work that CaringSG has accomplished in the past two years.

In October 2020, a group of special needs caregivers established CaringSG under the leadership and guidance of Dr Lim Hong Huay. During the initial phase, CaringSG’s operations were solely funded by seed funders. CaringSG was subsequently recognised as a registered charity status in June 2021 where we could receive donations from the public. At the same time, CaringSG also started its volunteer training programmes (CAREbuddy and CAREkaki) to prepare for future work and services.

Thanks to Dr Lim’s tireless efforts, CaringSG managed to secure funding from the Enabling Lives Initiatives (ELI) Grant by SG Enable & Tote Board, Temasek Foundation, and National Council of Social Service to jointly sponsor Project 3i (CAREconnect, CAREbuddy, and CAREwell). With the sponsorship from these funders coupled with the recruitment of new staff to manage Project 3i, the operations of each of these services began to take shape and flourish.

Since January 2022, CAREconnect also began collaborating with Boon Lay grassroots to host monthly activities for special needs caregivers and their families living in the constituency. The objective is to reach out to these caregivers, connect them to other caregivers, and form a support network in the process. These gatherings also allow caregivers to get acquainted with the grassroots so that they know where to seek assistance in the event they require any help in the future.

Another constituency, Kampong Glam, was added in June of the same year. As it was during the Covid-19 pandemic, organising monthly activities for the caregivers was no easy task. For example, the organising committee had to ensure that everyone complied strictly with the COVID-19 Safe Management Measures (SMMs) and stepped up disinfecting efforts, especially for those activities which involved children. In addition, as it was inconvenient for some of the elderly caregivers to attend the activities, the team conducted house calls to them personally. Despite the numerous challenges, the team persevered and managed to overcome all of them.

2023 has been a great start so far as CAREconnect has achieved another milestone with the partnership and support from another 2 constituencies – Telok Blangah and Nanyang. We are glad to announce that the volunteer training is currently underway, and we are also in the midst of discussing upcoming events with the respective local grassroots.

To be honest, the work we have done thus far was not stress-free. In fact, I want to confess that the thought of giving up has come across my mind many times. However, when I think of the encouragement and support that I have received from everyone, it spurs me to work even harder despite all the hardships.

As such, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to Dr Lim Hong Huay, Dr David Ang, and the CaringSG Board of Directors for their trust in me and for allowing me the opportunity to devote myself and contribute my best to this work.

I would also like to thank my CAREconnect team-mates, Elysia, Jeffrey, Chris, Diana, Julia, Xin Ying, Ann Toh, Pei Cheng, Wendy, Rae, Lilian, and the entire CaringSG family, together with Boon Lay and Kampong Glam grassroots leaders such as Corrine, Shanthi, Ronnie, Hong Kian, and Jeanine. Last but not least, I would like to especially thank grassroots advisors, Minister Desmond Lee and Mayor Denise Phua for believing in CaringSG.

Once again, thank you to everyone who has encouraged and supported me in one way or another during this journey. Without you all, I would have lacked the confidence and courage to go on. With a brand new year ahead, I really look forward to taking CaringSG to the next level and continuing to serve the special caregivers community.

From Caregivers, By Caregivers, For Caregivers

To be updated on CaringSG’s latest events and join your preferred caregiver support groups in our CaringSG Alliance Network (CAN), sign up as a CaringSG member and let us know your preference!

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Building Relationships, Supporting Caregivers – By CAREwell volunteer Loy Sheau Mei

Building Relationships, Supporting Caregivers – By CAREwell volunteer Loy Sheau Mei

I’m Loy Sheau Mei, a CAREwell volunteer. Before I joined CAREwell, I’ve already been working with the autism community for the past 18 years.

Some time ago, when I was doing a home visit with my colleagues to support a family with 2 kids who were visually impaired and diagnosed with autism, I learnt more about CAREwell and CaringSG.

I also found out more about the CAREwell’s volunteering opportunities via social media and decided to join.

What is volunteering with CAREwell like?

When I started volunteering with CAREwell, I liked how CaringSG has a structure in place with clarity of the end-in-mind for the families they serve.

The CAREwell team uses a multi-disciplinary approach as we need to have inputs from different perspectives to support each family holistically.

Collaboration with family is one key aspect, and the CAREwell team starts small to gain trust from the family. We also have a commitment to be present to work with the family within a specific timeframe. This creates stability in our relationships with the caregivers, and caregivers will be more open and willing to follow up.

With the relationship built and little successes along the way, I have witnessed that the caregivers are more relaxed as they start to realise that there’re others like us who will walk the journey with them.


How can society be more understanding towards special needs caregivers?

I believe that the awareness is there, but on how to progress forward to be an inclusive society, much effort will be needed.

There are many myths about special needs and there is a need to present the facts about different special needs as there are so many differently-abled individuals among us. The misconception of special needs, and how to interact with them, at times leads to misunderstandings.

Post-school options are limited, and many caregivers are worried as to what’s next for their dependents. “Finding the what’s next” requires all stakeholders, including caregivers and respective agencies, to co-create this space.

Lastly, I would like to share this encouragement to all special needs caregivers:

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Taking My Special Needs Son to Mount Alvernia Outreach Clinic for Dental Treatment – By Karen-Sophia Neoh

Taking My Special Needs Son to Mount Alvernia Outreach Clinic for Dental Treatment – By Karen-Sophia Neoh

From January to March 2022, CaringSG and Mount Alvernia Outreach Clinic collaborated to enable 60 pairs of caregivers and dependents receive free scaling and polishing services. 

Caregiver Karen-Sophia Neoh shares about her positive experience and includes tips for caregivers on what to prepare when taking their special needs dependent to the dentist.


I am full-time caregiver of a 19-year-old epileptic son with Global Developmental Delay and Autism Spectrum Disorder. He used to be resistant to any dental treatment and needed to be restrained. However, over some time, with familiarity, he is getting more and more receptive.

During treatment, he usually needs to be held down, hence we need one person to hold his legs, while I have to hold his hands. However, he does calm down eventually and scaling and polishing can be done to a satisfactory level.

If he cannot receive such treatment even after being restrained, I then worry about the cost and risk of having to put him on general anaesthesia (GA) for treatment.

At Mount Alvernia Outreach Dental Clinic, our experience was a pleasant one. The dentist was very patient. Both the dentist and assistant dentist were very good at managing my son, such as singing and counting to engage him and ease his anxiety. I believe that they will be good with special kids, even if they are younger. Overall, the clinic had a very relaxed atmosphere.

For caregivers who are taking your dependent to the dentist, I would recommend preparing your dependent way ahead for the dental appointment by showing them pictures and videos of a visit to a dentist, reading social stories, familiarising them with dental equipment (some can be found at Daiso and Shopee), etc.

You can also practise counting aloud for opening of their mouth, work on desensitising their mouth and nose areas (using oral motor therapy and/or massage), and practise using mouth bites to keep mouth open.

Featured photo: Mount Alvernia Hospital Facebook Page


Mount Alvernia Outreach Medical & Dental Clinic

– 10% discount for all CaringSG caregiver members for medical and dental services

– $15* (Medical) and $30* (Dental) for all persons with special needs

 * Please present PWD Concession Card / Developmental Disability Registry Identity Card / any disability membership card issued by various disability service providers or special education schools / a doctor’s memo indicating diagnosis

 To enjoy this discount:

  1. Please contact the respective Mount Alvernia Outreach Medical & Dental Clinic to make an appointment. Contact details are available at
  2. Present your CaringSG caregiver membership profile (see example below) to the MAOC staff who will verify your membership status.
  3. To access your membership status on CaringSG, log into, click on “MEMBERS” or go to

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