CAREcottage Feature – Crochet With Love: A Crochet Interest Group

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Crochet With Love

CAREcottage is an initiative by CaringSG to support special needs caregivers who have started enterprises to support their dependants and themselves.

This article was contributed by Esther Song, a caregiver to a son with autism, Sean Guoh.

During Covid, a group of special needs caregivers got together to learn how to crochet from another caregiver, Lavinia, as a means of coping with the lockdown and the pandemic.

This form of self-care was so effective that one of the caregivers, Cindy, initiated the idea of forming a crochet group, Crochet With Love, for caregivers to crochet on a regular basis for respite care and charity.

Lavinia and I supported Cindy’s idea and we formed the group. At that time, we did not imagine that we would progress to start a microbusiness, set up booths at bazaars and sell our crochets.

When Crochet With Love started, many caregivers expressed interest to join our charity efforts. We crocheted pouches, amigurumi and other designs to contribute to charities, both local and overseas, and the orders would give my son an opportunity to learn how to pack the crochets too.

Crochet smiley keychains for hospital nurses in Singapore
Amigurumi for SPED students in Singapore
Esther’s son helping to pack crochet gifts

In 2023, four of us (Cindy, Woon, Debbie and myself) took part in our first booth sales at a local charity fair to raise funds for the underprivileged. This year, CaringSG provided us with another chance to showcase our works at its first CAREcottage Bazaar. Hopefully, our story will inspire more caregivers to step up and join us in our craft, and in our love to share!

Crochet With Love caregivers at our first booth at a local charity fair in 2023
Crochet With Love with Mdm Rahayu Mahzam and Dr Lim Hong Huay at the CAREcottage Bazaar at SAFRA Punggol

Crochet With Love has grown into a group of over 30 caregivers, from beginners to seasoned crocheters. We are readily available to help our fellow caregivers in joining our crochet interest group and also to allow them to hone their crafts through exposure via charity projects and open markets.


Learn more about Crochet With Love:

Please visit our Instagram page @crochet_with_love_sg