About CaringSG
CaringSG is a registered charity and an Institution of Public Character (IPC).
Vision and Mission
Our vision is “Every caregiver well & empowered.”, and our mission is to connect, enable and empower fellow special needs caregivers by building an inclusive, compassionate and supportive community through innovative solutions.

CaringSG's Core Values






CaringSG Alliance Network (CAN) and Strategic Partnerships
We have partnered various special needs support groups, such as:
- Angels321
- ASD, ADHD and ADD Supports Group Singapore
- Brilliant Mindz
- Centre for Fathering
- CP Kids
- DSDN Down Syndrome SE Asia
- Dyslexia ADHD Singapore (DAS) Parents Strong Group
- DYStinctive support group (for children with learning difficulties)
- Fostering Resilience
- Friends of ASD Families
- Hope for the Journey (HOJ)
- MIJ Hub
- Rare Disorders Society (Singapore)
- SibsUnite
- Singapore Caregivers: Epilepsy, Seizures, Global Developmental Delay (GDD)
- Singapore Dyslexia Group
- Special Needs Kids Singapore
- Singapore Muslim Special Needs Support Group
- Thriving Parents Group
- Unlocking ADHD
- WhatsApp Autism Community Singapore