Interview with Keok B (KB) Lim

Life of an Autism Mum – A Sculpture By Artist and Special Needs Mum Keok (KB) Lim

To support more special needs caregivers, CaringSG will be raising donations at our upcoming i care! Gala Dinner. During the Gala Dinner, artworks which have been kindly donated by artists will be auctioned off.

Artist Keok (KB) Lim has kindly donated a sculpture titled “Life of an Autism Mum”. In this article, she shared with CaringSG how her life experiences led her to creating this masterpiece.

I used to work as a dentist in Singapore for 20 years and then I moved to America with my family.

I was very busy with the family and was a housewife looking after my three kids. When my autistic son was 12, he attended middle school. When I went to see the school environment, I wasn’t happy with their philosophy, and I thought I will start home schooling.

How I Picked Up Clay

I needed an outlet to destress, and I took a 3D clay class in the Community Center. I think clay is very tactile, so that’s what suits me. I wasn’t really planning to sell my work anywhere.

After 10 years of playing with clay, somebody encouraged me to sell my work. I also started teaching special needs students. The art school that I’m teaching at, they had a fundraiser and I started making some bowls which were well-received and popular, which was surprising because I don’t have an art background.

One of my artist friends recommended a gallery and so I started showing my artworks. I showcased my works at a show in Georgia and I got a lot of good reviews that led me to showcasing in more galleries.

Inspirations for me is generally just from my daily life; whatever that I see, whatever that I feel, whatever that I read, it just become ideas. My style is very casual and not traditional. When I threw clay on the wheel, everything is centered and mild, perfectly symmetrical and that bores me so much.

(Perfection) is not my style so I started like pinching and making my clay off-centre, to be more interesting. I think we have to try to find humour in everything that we have.

Developing the Sculpture “Life of an Autism Mum”

When family told me to do a piece like “Life of an Autism Mum”, there’s so much to say. Once I read an article about being a mum of an autistic child, and it said that we mums are like soldiers in the combat field, that’s why I added the army uniform. We are constantly having to solve problems, one after another.

I also tried to put something nice; like our kids, if they show you love, they give you the purest love in the world. In my special needs class, the kids don’t judge; whatever they say is pure and true. That’s the biggest joy I’ve ever gotten.

I put skates because we always have to spin around. We’re not walking slowly, but we’re spinning around with so many things to deal with, and we don’t have time to make ourselves beautiful.

Words of Encouragement to Parents

As parents, the most important thing is that we really have to take care of ourselves first. That’s the first priority – you have to give time to yourself no matter what.

We have to be selfish; we need to take care of ourselves to be happy and healthy, then we can think of taking care of others. Find something that you are passionate and just do it.

To learn more about how CaringSG supports special needs caregivers, we invite you to visit CaringSG’s donation page and make a donation to support these caregivers too.

We look forward to having you with us!

Your generous  support for the caregiver community through our “i care!” campaign can be through one or more of the following way:

1. Buy (for you and your family/friends) or sponsor (for our caregiver
or dependent)

– Charity Gala dinner seat(s) at SGD$350 per seat. Price is (inclusive
of 1 lucky draw ticket per seat) OR
– Charity Gala dinner table(s) at SGD$3,500 per table (inclusive of 10
lucky draw tickets) OR

2. Make a donation. CaringSG is an institution of Public Character, and
we will be pleased to provide you with a tax deductible receipt for
donations of SGD$100 and above.

Super Awesome Mum

Artist: Keok B (KB) Lim 林菊美

Current Bid: $2,000