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CaringSG Seminar – Preparing for National Service (NS) for Enlistees with Special Needs on 17 Mar 2024

CaringSG Seminar – Preparing for National Service (NS) for Enlistees with Special Needs on 17 Mar 2024

Speakers at CaringSG's Seminar on Preparing for National Service, from left: COL (NS) Darren Tan, BG (RET) Ishak Ismail, PTE (NSF) Gabriel Tan, LCP (NSF) Joshua Yap and his mother Freya Lim
Speakers at CaringSG's Seminar on Preparing for National Service, from left: COL (NS) Darren Tan, BG (RET) Ishak Ismail, PTE (NSF) Gabriel Tan, LCP (NSF) Joshua Yap and his mother Freya Lim

Caregivers often face stress and uncertainty when their dependant goes through life stage transitions, such as enlisting in National Service. Hence, to empower caregivers with the knowledge to prepare for NS, we organised a seminar with SGFamilies, ACCORD, SAFRA Punggol and SPARK Singapore on 17 March 2024 (Sunday), 2:30 – 4:30pm at SAFRA Punggol.

Graced by our Guest-of-Honour Mdm Rahayu Mahzam, Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Ministry of Health and Ministry of Law, and also Board Advisor to CaringSG, the event saw 128 participants who attended to learn about the pre-enlistment processes tailored for individuals with special needs.

Five invited speakers shared their experience and invaluable information on support mechanisms available to facilitate a seamless transition into National Service:

• COL (NS) Darren Tan, Family Coach and National Service Commander
• BG (RET) Ishak Ismail, Ex-Commander BMTC, ACCORD Member
• Freya Lim and LCP (NSF) Joshua Yap, mother and son
• PTE (NSF) Gabriel Tan, Administrative Support Assistant (ASA)

Caregivers who wish to learn more about the process can visit these links below:
CMPB – Pre-Enlistment Process
Enabling Guide

This is our second joint collaboration in our ongoing efforts to support caregivers with sons with special needs as they enlist in National Service. The first collaboration, a webinar in June 2023, can be accessed by logging into our member portal. 

In addition to the seminar, CaringSG organised a CAREcottage Bazaar, showcasing 6 stalls of artworks, creations of love, and dignity crafted by youths from our CAREcottage families from 10:30am to 5:30pm at SAFRA Punggol.

This event was organised and supported by 4 CaringSG staff, 2 CAREchampions, and 8 volunteers from SAF ACCORD and SPARKS.

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CaringSG 2023 Highlights and Memories

CaringSG 2023 Highlights and Memories

CaringSG 2023 Lookback 1
CaringSG 2023 Lookback 2

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While the Path is Less Travelled, You Never Have to Walk Alone – By CAREchampion Lead Tan Pei Cheng

While the Path is Less Travelled, You Never Have to Walk Alone –
By CAREchampion Lead Tan Pei Cheng

CAREchampion Lead Tan Pei Cheng with CaringSG (first 3 photos), and her family (bottom right)

Many of us, as caregivers, have had our fair shares of emotional coaster rides.

As a working mother of 3 boys, my second son was diagnosed with moderate autism when he was 3 years old. Since then, I have been on a journey of discovery, learning, coping with feelings of disappointment, denial, anger, hope and many more. In the initial stages, I remembered vividly the loneliness and helplessness, often taking the easy way out of putting the blame on “fate”.  For a long time, I did not know how to process my emotions.

A simple act of joining a mother’s network group organised by my son’s pre-school opened my eyes. For the first time, I felt that I was not alone. There were other parents, struggling and learning just like me. I saw the challenges they faced and the fighting spirit in each of them, driven by the love for their children. I learned from them that only through acceptance, would I be able to give my son the support he needed. The sharing opened my heart, and the empathy and listening ears from them gave me courage to go on with the demands of daily life.

This is exactly why, when I met Dr Lim Hong Huay through my husband 2 years ago and knew about CaringSG, I offered to be a volunteer as I was inspired by CaringSG’s vision. Before volunteering at CaringSG, I had limited knowledge of the challenges and difficulties of caregivers, especially adult PWDs in Singapore.

I started as a CAREconnect lead with a rudimentary understanding that “I will do outreach and call caregivers for events.” Then, this role was to me was a simple connecting of people together and providing them the opportunity to form a network of support. I thought I was contributing to help, but little did I realise how it would benefit and enrich me too!

In the 2 years with CaringSG, I have always been supported by the lovely folks of CaringSG and feel very welcomed. It was fun to plan the events with the CAREkakis, CAREchampions and the Grassroots leaders. It was very rewarding to get to know caregivers through the activities.

At the beginning, when my calls or follow-ups to caregivers were met with silence, I was disappointed and even felt it hilarious when I was suspected as a scammer (LOL!). The silver lining came when caregivers acknowledged my messages and actually took the effort to show up. Slowly, some caregivers shared photos of their children spontaneously, and sent words of appreciation and greetings that I never expected. My moment of glory came when one of the photos I took for a CaringSG event was featured in The Straits Times! 😊

I benefitted personally with the strong network in CaringSG. Last year, my son started displaying aggressive behaviour as he entered teenagehood. I was disheartened with my inability to handle his meltdowns and outbursts. This, to an extent, affected me at work too. Fellow caregiver Edward Chan and Dr Lim gave me contacts to seek professional help for him, and since then, he has improved and so has my quality of life.

As caregivers of PWDs, we have a lot to offer and to share in our experiences, especially to younger parents who are going through this journey and do not know what to do or where to seek support. 

To my fellow caregivers, instead of passively waiting for things to get better, step forward to give and you will be rewarded with the least expected.

“Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others, cannot keep it from themselves” ~James Matthew Barrie

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CaringSG Volunteer Appreciation Day 2023

CaringSG Volunteer Appreciation Day 2023

CaringSG held our first Volunteer Appreciation Day on 27 May 2023, Saturday, at the National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre.

We welcomed 50 volunteers across various CaringSG Project 3i programmes to meet up and mingle with one another over lunch and games. 

After the Opening Address by Board Co-Chair Dr David Ang, volunteers enjoyed mini games which tested how well they knew each other, with lots of laughter and fun, and smiles all around.

Some volunteers and CaringSG staff who have not had the chance to meet in person, could finally meet face to face and bond over food and games. Others caught up with fellow volunteers they had not seen face to face for a long while and had a good long chat.

To show our gratitude for our volunteers’ contributions, we prepared appreciation videos showcasing their efforts and impact on caregivers and the community.

CaringSG Board Chair Dr Lim Hong Huay also gave a speech to thank volunteers, and she presented certificates and tokens of appreciation to our various groups of volunteers at CaringSG’s Volunteer Award & Appreciation Ceremony. 

We are immensely grateful to have the support of all our volunteers, and deeply cherish our time with you in our collective efforts to support special needs caregivers and their families.

Scroll down to see photos of our Volunteer Appreciation Day!

We welcome volunteers to sign up with us at


Opening Address by CaringSG Board Co-Chair Dr David Ang
Volunteer games underway with lots of laughter and smiles
Volunteer Appreciation Speech by CaringSG Board Co-Chair Dr Lim Hong Huay
CAREambassadors: volunteers at CaringSG events
CAREkakis: trained grassroot leaders
CAREchampions: caregiver volunteers at CAREconnect events
CAREwell: professional volunteers
CAREbuddy: trained caregivers who provide other caregivers with support and listening ear
icare! gala dinner volunteer

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Helping Families Navigate Life With CAREconnect Webinars​

Helping Families Navigate Life with CAREconnect Webinars

Contributed by Dr Ngiam Xin Ying, CaringSG Webinar Lead

Dear CaringSG members, 

Thank you for joining us on the journey of learning more about being effective caregivers to our special children, no matter their age. We at CAREconnect have had the pleasure of organizing the monthly webinars for the second year running. 

This year, we deep dive into selected topics – instead of a general overview to be covered in the short space of a single webinar, we will cover different aspects of a single subject across 2 consecutive months. We hope that this gives our participants greater insights and deeper knowledge. 

We have an amazing team behind you – Edward, our CAREconnect Lead; Lilian, CAREconnect Co-lead; Chris, our IT and Communications manager; Elysia, our CAREconnect Project Coordinator; and Jeffrey, our Senior Project Executive. We all hope that the content covered in the webinars will help you and your families navigate the different stages of life. 

Do continue to sign up and show up for our webinars – and if you miss the webinar for any reason, know that you can watch the replays when they are made available. 

Have a wonderful 2023! 

Xin Ying 

CaringSG Webinar Lead

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CaringSG’s First i care! Charity Gala Dinner on 25 March 2023

CaringSG’s First i care! Charity Gala Dinner on 25 March 2023

CaringSG held its first i care! Charity Gala Dinner on 25 March 2023, 6:30-9:30 pm, at Carlton Hotel (Bras Basah) to raise funds to continue supporting special needs caregivers.

Generous donations from our Charity Auction enabled CaringSG to meet our gala dinner fundraising target of $250,000. With support from the Toteboard Enhanced Fundraising programme, we aim to raise a total of $500,000 from this i care! Campaign.

South East Asian Philosophy by Mr Yang Tien
Super Awesome Mom by Mdm Lim Keok Bee

In the months leading up to our gala dinner, we held a silent charity auction for six artworks that were kindly donated by three art donors, Mdm Chia Choy Ping, Mr Yang Tien and Mdm Lim Keok Bee. All six artworks had generous bids and we displayed the artworks during the gala dinner for guests to appreciate and meet the artists.

Serenity by Mdm Chia Choy Ping

During the dinner, our Guest-of-Honour, Minister Desmond Lee, announced that our CAREkaki programme and CAREconnect physical events would be scaled up to three more districts – Nanyang, Telok Blangah, and Bukit Batok East, on top of the two areas – Boon Lay and Kampong Glam – that CaringSG had already piloted our programmes in.

CaringSG Board Chair Dr Lim Hong Huay also announced that CaringSG would be launching the STEP ONE programme, a training and support program for new caregivers of young children with developmental needs, in July 2023. Funded by SG Enable, CaringSG aimed to reach 400 caregivers in 1 year. In November’s caregiver month, we would be collaborating with the Agency for Integrated Care, the National Council of Social Service and SG Enable to organise a National CAREcarnival and Conference too.

Other distinguished guests at CaringSG’s i care! Charity Gala Dinner included:

  • Ms Denise Phua, Mayor, Central Singapore District; and MP, Kampong Glam, Jalan Besar GRC
  • Mdm Rahayu Mahzam, Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Health & Ministry of Law; and MP, Bukit Batok East, Jurong GRC
  • Ms Rachel Ong, MP , Telok Blangah, West Coast GRC
  • Dr Gerard Ee, Chairman, Charity Council and Agency for Integrated Care
Dr Patrick Ang at his piano recital

Before the dinner started, guests were treated to a piano recital by Dr Patrick Ang Cheng Ho in the gallery.

Very Special Choir performing for guests
Ms Marianne Leong during her solo performance
Ms Fernanda Wee Wei Xuan playing the gu zheng
Lucky draw - top 4 prizes (staycations and dinner buffet vouchers) were generously sponsored by Carlton hotel

While the sumptuous dinner was served to the guests, they were delighted by a choir performance by Very Special Choir, a guitar duet by Dr Stephen Chew Tec Huan and Mr Gerald Ong Hoon Hwa, a vocal solo performance by Ms Marianne Leong Jia Ern, and a Gu Zheng and piano duet by Ms Fernanda Wee Wei Xuan and Mr Mark Sim.

Group photo with CaringSG Board, staff, volunteers and performers

We are deeply grateful towards our Guest-of-Honour Minister Desmond Lee, distinguished guests, generous donors, talented performers, CaringSG Board, staff, volunteers, and supporters who made our charity gala dinner a successful event.

Media coverage of the announcements:
Art Donors:

Mdm Chia Choy Ping is a freelance painter who has been painting as a hobby since she was young. She donated three artworks: Spring Joy, Walking In The Rain, and Serenity.

Mr Yang Tien has a Master of Fine Arts (Academy of Art University, San Francisco). Previously under tutelage of renowned artists, he was one of the early artists that adopted digital media as the medium of choice for his creative works. He donated two artworks: South East Asian Philosophy and Lakeside Lover’s Jazz.

Mdm Lim Keok Bee is a caregiver, special needs art teacher and clay artist. Previously she was a dentist in Singapore. She donated one artwork, a sculpture titled Super Awesome Mom.

Programme Highlights:
  1. Piano recital in gallery by Dr Patrick Ang Cheng Ho, Head of Interventional Cardiology, Gleneagles JPMC Cardiac Centre. Head of Interventional Cardiology, Gleneagles JPMC Cardiac Centre. Dr Ang is currently a consultant cardiologist with Royal Healthcare and visiting consultant at National University Hospital. He has been playing the piano since the age of 6 and he has recorded 3 CDs to date which are available on YouTube.
  2. Choir performance by Very Special Choir: 12 persons with disabilities chaperoned by 12 caregivers performed for the gala dinner guests
  3. Guitar duet by:
    • Dr Stephen Chew Tec Huan, Renal physician, Mount Alvernia Hospital. Guitar was a recent interest and he learnt at Tomas Music School.
    • Mr Gerald Ong Hoon Hwa, Age 70yrs, retired Project Manager for Power Cable Engineering Co. Guitar teacher, Tomas Music School
  • Vocal Solo Performance by Ms Marianne Leong Jia Ern, winner of multiple international awards, including 1st prize for the Golden Classical Music Awards International Competition (2022) and the International Music Competition “Rome” Grand Prize Virtuoso (2021), and also won top prizes in the International music competition “The Art of Art” and “ The Art of Opera” (2021) and the North International music competition (2021). Marianne has Autism and she graduated from Pathlight Secondary school in 2020. She is currently schooling at Nanyang Polytechnic.
  • Mr Bertrand Lee, piano accompaniment. Previously under the tutelage of Albert Tiu in the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music whilst on full scholarship, Bertrand is now an accomplished concert pianist who performed extensively internationally and locally, and is also a music educator at Ms Khor’s Studio.
  • Gu Zheng and Piano duet by:
    • Ms Fernanda Wee Wei Xuan, a graduate of Sichuan Conservatory of Music, majoring in Guzheng performance under the tutelage of Professor Lin Yi. She is also a passionate music educator who hopes to inspire future music makers. Fernanda is a caregiver to a brother with Down Syndrome and Autism.
    • Mr Mark Sim, Senior Piano Teacher. Graduated from Singapore Raffles Music College with a Master of Music (Distinction) awarded by the University of West London. Like Fernanda, he is also a passionate music educator who hopes to inspire future music makers. He has his own private teaching studio, is a Senior Teacher at Sunflower Piano House and is a lecturer at Singapore Raffles Music College.

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i care! Gala Dinner: Minister Desmond Lee’s Speech on 25 March 2023

i care! Gala Dinner: Minister Desmond Lee’s Speech on 25 March 2023


Dr Lim Hong Huay, Chairman of CaringSG
Parliamentary colleagues, Mayor Denise Phua, Senior Parl Sec Ms Rahayu Mahzam and Ms Rachel Ong
Dr Gerard Ee, Chairman of the Charity Council and Agency for Integrated Care
Board members and advisors of CaringSG
Distinguished guests, colleagues,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

1. Good evening.

2. It is a great pleasure to be among partners, volunteers and well-wishers who are passionate about supporting caregivers in our community.

3. Caregivers are the first line of support for their loved ones.

4. They are the unsung heroes – devoting their time, energy and attention towards caring for their loved ones, without asking for anything in return. But often, sacrificing many of their own life goals.

5.The 2018 Quality of Life (QOL) of Caregivers Study conducted by the National Council of Social Service (NCSS) showed that caregivers took pride in caring for their loved ones and understood the importance of their role.

6. Yet even the strongest individuals need support.

7. More than one in two caregivers surveyed in the study reported that they were “burdened” or “barely coping” and almost half were journeying alone in their caregiving responsibilities.

8. Caregivers need a strong support ecosystem to relieve some of their burden, and help them sustain.

9. Over the years, the Government has enhanced our support for our caregivers, with a range of initiatives under the Caregiver Support Action Plan and the White Paper on Women’s Development.

10. We will also provide more help to ease caregiving costs, with an enhanced Home Caregiving Grant in 2023.

11. Strengthening families is a whole-of-society effort.

12. I am encouraged to see strong community support arising from the work of the Alliance for Action (AfA) for Caregivers of Persons with Disabilities, which is spearheaded by NCSS and SG Enable.

13. One of the projects supported by the AfA is Project 3i, CaringSG’s very first initiative, which aims to strengthen community support for caregivers of persons with disabilities and special needs.

14. Project 3i’s programmes – CAREconnect, CAREbuddy and CAREwell – focus on building a community of support around caregivers, and equipping them with caregiving knowledge and skills.

15. I am very glad to learn about the progress of Project 3i since I attended its launch just over a year ago.

16. Let me share a little more about CAREconnect today.

17. CAREconnect aims to make caregiving a less lonely journey:

a. Caregivers are connected to a support group, where they can receive support and care from fellow caregivers.

b. In addition, they pick up caregiving knowledge and skills through physical forums, webinars, and online resources organised and developed by CaringSG.

18. To date, CAREconnect has reached out to 2,800 caregivers through its events and connected 1,200 caregivers to support groups.

19. These numbers show that the efforts are bearing fruit, and the good news is that we have more hands on deck to help grow the network.

20. CAREconnect brings onboard grassroot volunteers and leaders as CAREkakis, training them to give better support and interact with caregivers and families of persons with disabilities and special needs.

21. CAREkakis & CaringSG volunteers also go on home visits, organise inclusive community events, and form workgroups to develop longer term community plans to support vulnerable caregivers.

22. CAREkaki training has been piloted in two areas – Boon Lay and Kampong Glam.

23. Today, I am happy to announce that the CAREkaki programme and CAREconnect physical events will be scaled up to three more districts – Nanyang, Telok Blangah, and Bukit Batok East.

24. These achievements by CaringSG are only possible because everyone here has put in so much commitment and energy.

25. Many of you are also caregivers. My deepest appreciation to all of you who have been involved in sharing your time and expertise to uplift the lives of caregivers in their journey. You embody the SG Cares spirit.

26. We have also been engaging a broad range of Singaporeans as part of the Forward SG exercise, and have heard many speak of their desire to forge an inclusive and caring Singapore. I am glad to see this strong desire to give back.

27. As we continue to refresh our social compact, and in the spirit of the Year of Celebrating Social Service Partners, I look forward to stronger partnerships among all our important stakeholders and volunteers in the years to come.

28. Thank you.

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CaringSG is now an IPC

CaringSG is now an IPC
(Institution of a Public Character)

Dear friends, CaringSG is now an IPC (Institution of a Public Character).

Any donation over $100 will stand to receive 250% tax deductions.

Your generous support will go a long way in funding our programmes (CAREconnect, CAREbuddy, CAREwell) to support Caregivers of Persons with Disabilities.

Donate today at

To be updated on CaringSG’s latest events and join your preferred caregiver support groups in our CaringSG Alliance Network (CAN), sign up as a CaringSG member and let us know your preference!

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手牵手, 向前走 Moving Forward Together – By Mr Edward Chan

手牵手, 向前走 Moving Forward Together – By Mr Edward Chan

Mr Edward Chan, (pictured above, forefront) is CaringSG’s Head of Corporate Services and a caregiver of two children with ASD.

This letter to CaringSG members was originally written in Mandarin. We have included the English translation below as well.

2022年刚过,2023年此时已经在高速前进. 回想过去两年所完成的工作,实在太不可思议了.

二〇二〇年十月, 一群特殊看护者在林方辉医生带领下成立了CaringSG (关护之心). 二〇二一年六月, CaringSG 获得了政府认证为慈善机构, 从而可以向公众认捐. 之前CaringSG 的 运营资金全靠种子资助者(seed funders)来支撑. 除此之外, CaringSG也开始了义工训练(CAREbuddy 与CAREkaki)为接下来工作与服务做准备。

在林医生的不屈不挠的努力下, CaringSG 的三个主要看护者服务, CAREconnect, CAREbuddy 和 CAREwell, 终于找到了资助机构. 有了资金, 每个服务的运做也开始加速, 也开始有新的成员加入了工作团队.

CAREconnect 在二〇二二年一月也开始在文礼区每月与基层人员为当地的特殊家庭与看护者主办活动. CAREconnect的目标是联系当地的特殊看护者, 一起来参加CAREconnect的活动, 让大家彼此认识而建立起互助网络. 同时也让看护者认识基层人员以便以后如需要帮助, 不至于茫然无措.

同年六年, 又添加了甘榜格南区. 主办这些活动并非易事, 期间又因为疫情加剧, 主办团队要确保大家遵守防疫条例,尤其有孩子参与的活动要加强消毒措施. 又因为看护者与其特殊孩子年纪大, 不便来参加活动, 团队就上门拜访. 面对许许多多的挑战, 感恩团队不言败的精神, 把这些困难一一克服了.

踏入二〇二三年, CAREconnect 又添加了直落布兰雅与南洋区. 义工训练正在进行中, 也与当地的基层正在筹备接下来的活动.

如果我说工作没压力, 那肯定是骗人的. 在无数崩溃想放弃的夜晚,一觉睡醒, 又在重生.这种前所未有的自愈能力, 是大家的鼓励与支持给我的力量.

我要感谢林方辉医生, Dr David Ang 与CaringSG Board of Directors 对我的信任, 让我全心全意的投入这份工作.

还有与我一起冲锋的CAREconnect 队友, Jeffrey, Elysia, Chris, Diana, Julia, Xin Ying, Ann Toh, Pei Cheng, Esther, Wendy, Rae, Lilian 以及CaringSG 大家庭; 文礼与甘榜格南的基层领袖们Corrine, Shanthi, Ronnie, Hong Kian, Jeanine 等等. 还有基层顾问Minister Desmond Lee 和Mayor Denise Phua.

感谢你们这一路来的鼓励与支持, 我才有信心与勇气走下去. 二〇二三, 展望CaringSG 再上一层楼, 继续为特殊看护者服务.

Even though 2022 has just passed, the pace for 2023 has already picked up quickly. It is amazing to look back on the work that CaringSG has accomplished in the past two years.

In October 2020, a group of special needs caregivers established CaringSG under the leadership and guidance of Dr Lim Hong Huay. During the initial phase, CaringSG’s operations were solely funded by seed funders. CaringSG was subsequently recognised as a registered charity status in June 2021 where we could receive donations from the public. At the same time, CaringSG also started its volunteer training programmes (CAREbuddy and CAREkaki) to prepare for future work and services.

Thanks to Dr Lim’s tireless efforts, CaringSG managed to secure funding from the Enabling Lives Initiatives (ELI) Grant by SG Enable & Tote Board, Temasek Foundation, and National Council of Social Service to jointly sponsor Project 3i (CAREconnect, CAREbuddy, and CAREwell). With the sponsorship from these funders coupled with the recruitment of new staff to manage Project 3i, the operations of each of these services began to take shape and flourish.

Since January 2022, CAREconnect also began collaborating with Boon Lay grassroots to host monthly activities for special needs caregivers and their families living in the constituency. The objective is to reach out to these caregivers, connect them to other caregivers, and form a support network in the process. These gatherings also allow caregivers to get acquainted with the grassroots so that they know where to seek assistance in the event they require any help in the future.

Another constituency, Kampong Glam, was added in June of the same year. As it was during the Covid-19 pandemic, organising monthly activities for the caregivers was no easy task. For example, the organising committee had to ensure that everyone complied strictly with the COVID-19 Safe Management Measures (SMMs) and stepped up disinfecting efforts, especially for those activities which involved children. In addition, as it was inconvenient for some of the elderly caregivers to attend the activities, the team conducted house calls to them personally. Despite the numerous challenges, the team persevered and managed to overcome all of them.

2023 has been a great start so far as CAREconnect has achieved another milestone with the partnership and support from another 2 constituencies – Telok Blangah and Nanyang. We are glad to announce that the volunteer training is currently underway, and we are also in the midst of discussing upcoming events with the respective local grassroots.

To be honest, the work we have done thus far was not stress-free. In fact, I want to confess that the thought of giving up has come across my mind many times. However, when I think of the encouragement and support that I have received from everyone, it spurs me to work even harder despite all the hardships.

As such, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to Dr Lim Hong Huay, Dr David Ang, and the CaringSG Board of Directors for their trust in me and for allowing me the opportunity to devote myself and contribute my best to this work.

I would also like to thank my CAREconnect team-mates, Elysia, Jeffrey, Chris, Diana, Julia, Xin Ying, Ann Toh, Pei Cheng, Wendy, Rae, Lilian, and the entire CaringSG family, together with Boon Lay and Kampong Glam grassroots leaders such as Corrine, Shanthi, Ronnie, Hong Kian, and Jeanine. Last but not least, I would like to especially thank grassroots advisors, Minister Desmond Lee and Mayor Denise Phua for believing in CaringSG.

Once again, thank you to everyone who has encouraged and supported me in one way or another during this journey. Without you all, I would have lacked the confidence and courage to go on. With a brand new year ahead, I really look forward to taking CaringSG to the next level and continuing to serve the special caregivers community.

From Caregivers, By Caregivers, For Caregivers

To be updated on CaringSG’s latest events and join your preferred caregiver support groups in our CaringSG Alliance Network (CAN), sign up as a CaringSG member and let us know your preference!

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CaringSG Forum on Social Support and Residential Needs

CaringSG Forum on Social Support and Residential Needs

CaringSG held a physical form on social support and residential needs on 20 Aug 2022 at Boon Lay Community Club. Twelve special needs families with three children attended the event.

Caregivers learnt about various forms of social support from Ms Chloe Huang (Deputy Director, Service Coordination and Advice, SG Enable).

Childminding activities were also provided for children who attended. The event was organised by three CAREkakis, two CAREambassadors, and four CaringSG staff and volunteers.

This event was also supported by the Enabling Lives Initiative Grant by SG Enable and Tote Board.

Visit our FB post to see more photos of the event.

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